Custom T Shirts Near Me Clayfield Brisbane
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EMAIL for support >> support@customtshirtprintingonline.com.au
Design My Own Shirts?
We have a 3 step process to help our customers to design t-shirts. Check our site here >> website.
You can access the three steps here.
1. First login to the site listed above, then click any of the garment you like to have an image on. Once you click the image you will be taken to the online design app.
2. In the APP you have 3 choices: you can either upload the photo or image, add TEXT or even add Team Names.
3. After your selection you be asked to size and position your image. Here you can add other effects such as gradients, colour etc.
4. Don't forget to select the colour of the shirt as well as the numbers you need printing. Once you have done that its time to move to the next phase.
4. We then move on to the payment page. Tips on designing
5. Once you have paid for the shirt we shall print and ship to you.
Businesses and For Personal Use
Watch the video on how its done. Its very easy.
#customTshirts #TshirtPrinting #designyourownshirt
Place ID: ChIJwe9U3VBYkWsR8ITe81qjAgU