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Best Image Size For T Shirts

When starting out with T-shirt printing it is best to get your image sizes correct. Using photos from your smartphone or from Google and Facebook do not necessarily give you good images to be able to print from. The images from free site or those taken from an iPhone give small resolution images that when stretched to cover a large area as the front or back of a T shirt will make the printed image pixelated.

To avoid this from happening its best to get high resolution images done professionally through a graphic designer.


>> The image size must be at least 300 dpi to give you great quality printed shirts.

We have an online designer on our website that will allow you to see if your image is of good quality or not.

After you upload the image into the app you will see either a green or a red bar. Green tells us that your image is good to print. Avoid images with red bars.

We do offer an editing service starting from $25 an image. So if you need any special work done on images do reach out. Our number is 0422442029

Check out our FAQ page here for more questions relating to tshirt print.

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