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Video on - How To Select Your Shirt To Design

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  1. Same Day printing (ready same day) - kindly click the Same Day Dispatch tab above.
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Place Your Design On A Shirt

Quick Notes!

Here is the summary of the video:

How To Select Shirts On Th Page!

It gets very tiring trying to scan all the images on our site.

I have made it easy for you as all you need to do is follow these steps below:

  1. On the page please do a CONTROL "F" on your keyboard.
  2. In the box that appears type in the style of shirt you are after. Ex: singlet or crew neck.
  3. You will then need to click the down arrow to jump to the mention of that style on the page. Within a couple of minutes you will find what you need. You can use the back arrow to go back and see what you just seen.

Hope this is helpful.

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