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How To Get Cheaper T-shirts On Bulk Orders
Next Day T Shirt Print And Deliver

How To Get Discounts on Bulk Orders Of T-shirts Printed

When you order more than 3 shirts you attract an immeiate discount from our shopping cart. It is built in to reward our customers for purchasing through us.

I shall place the discount table below for you to look at.

Now if you order more than 50 shirts at a time we offer even cheaper rates. Fill in our quote sheet by clicking here.

Discounts On Larger T-shirt Orders

3 items = 3% off

5 items = 5% off

10 items = 10% off

15 items = 15% off

20 items = 20% off

50 items = 25% off

PS: This will be reflected on the order page as you place your T-shirt orders

You can pay with credit card or bank transfer.

We use safe payment methods online

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