What do you bring to camps? There are many necessities to take along to a school camp. Here below are 5 things that you should consider taking along to your school camp.
1. water bottle
2. jacket or a t shirt
3. shorts and comfortable clothing
4. a torch
5. a camping knife
What do you wear to school camps? I suggest wear comfortable loose clothing. Take along shirts and Tees. Maybe get some custom made shirts made for each member of the camping group. This will help brand your group so you all stand out from other campers that maybe be in the same cammping grounds or trials you have chosen to hike on.
You may choose to have a separate T shirt for various school activities on the camp. Each day could be with a different custom designed shirt to share the vision for that day's events.
Now if you are looking for a T shirt design company that can create merchandise for your school activities why not contact us. We are custom T Shirt printing in Brisbane. A one stop shop for all your camping gear that needs to be printed.
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